What Are You Afraid Of?
We offer a free fuel sampling to customers with larger tanks like property management companies, fuel stations, Works Yards etc.
Many take advantage of the free service to see what condition their fuel tank is in. A surprising number do not. I always wonder why?
What exactly are you afraid of? Logically you would want to know if you have a problem before it starts costing you money in blown fuel pumps or excess filter changes on equipment.
The only conclusion I can come to is that these companies are afraid of what might be in their tanks – so afraid that they want to wait till there is a big enough problem to shut them down.
Typically what we find when we sample your tank is water, algae, particulate and bacteria. Tanks are really expensive and to have that contamination on the bottom is just asking for trouble.
It is best to know if your tank is clean and we can tell you for free! Call us for a free fuel sampling today.