Well after the winter we have had in BC I am glad spring is just around the corner!
I like the rain but I prefer warm ‘Mexico’ type rain. I know we need rain and better to have it in the winter than the summer BUT torrential rain is something else.
We were up in Lake Cowichan at one point in the RV and it was raining so hard I could not see to drive. Now that was torrential rain.

Fouled RACOR
Boat season is going to be upon us before we know it.
While we have been avoiding winter our boats have been fighting the good fight against fungus, bacteria, and mould in the fuel tanks. Lonely in the engine room the RACOR has been fending off the invaders and losing.
If you take note of the picture to your left you will see an enormous amount of fungus taking over the white slinger just above the water trap. The black specks are also very visible.
The trick to seeing if you have a growth in your fuel tanks is to take a flashlight, shine it on the white part above the water bowl and if you see any black specks, growth or discoloration then you have a bacteria problem which has probably developed over the long rainy winter season.
It is better to find out now before you leave the dock this summer and spring when you have all the excited passengers on board with the barbeque ready and the freshly caught salmon on board as you head for your favourite anchorage just to find out that the engine is slowing, will not hold the RPMs it should and comes to a dead stop. Usually in choppy seas and at the most inconvenient time possible.
Make sure you have 10-micron filters to get you back to the dock BUT if you forgot them… Call Us DIRECT.
We have a boat ready to deploy to come to the rescue anywhere on the south coast. We can usually manage to get anywhere off Vancouver Island ports of Port Hardy, Port McNeill, Telegraph Cove, Campbell River, Nanaimo, Chemainus or Victoria.